Clinically Trained Substance Abuse Counseling Services in Nebraska & Wisconsin

Clinically Trained Substance Abuse Counseling Services in Nebraska & Wisconsin
Hello and welcome to Quality Care Preference. We serve the states of Nebraska and Wisconsin. We offer a range of services tailored to meet the needs of our clients, including therapeutic group homes, substance abuse counseling, US DOT SAP assessments, non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT), and consultation.

Our services are designed to provide quality care for individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, or other mental health concerns that can impact academic and social-emotional progress. We believe in a personalized approach to care and offer evidence-based plans tailored to each individual's specific needs, including teen therapy and trauma-informed counseling, to help establish a solid foundation for thriving.

Quality Care Preference LLC is a business dedicated to providing comprehensive care and support to individuals with co-occurring substance misuse and mental health disorders. We understand the importance of lived experience in guiding our approach and believe that individuals who have overcome similar obstacles can play a crucial role in helping others achieve the quality of life they deserve.

Our ultimate goal is to help individuals achieve the quality of life that they truly deserve, free from the burdens of substance misuse and mental health challenges. We strive to empower individuals, enhance their resilience, and support them in building meaningful connections with themselves, their loved ones, and their communities. If you or a loved one is struggling, don't hesitate to reach out to us at (863) 800-2018 or through our booking form. We provide access to quality substance abuse counseling with the click of a link.